Friday, 15 June 2012

Finally a new post!

The first half of the year has been extremely busy for me and big apologies for not blogging since March. 

Iv finally finished the Creative Textiles course that I was doing and since then iv been on catch-up with my stock and sorting out a teaching schedule for night classes that will hopefully start in September. 

Here's a few pictures of my recent work... 

This weeks makes

I'm so addicted to nuno'ing at the moment

My last course piece

I know you keep hearing me babble on about my course work and that iv finally finished! Im really chuft with myself as im receiving a distinction for all my work.

To celebrate the end of year and the end of most of us leaving this year, were having a exhibition at our college. All three years work that we have produced are going to be exhibited. Its rather exciting! Please do come over if you have the time.


Annie said...

Well done you on your achievement. Your results are really fab.
A x

sue said...

You have been so busy Maria, now you can sit back and enjoy all your fabulous achievements! And they are fabulous.

plumbing said...

Textile designing is a creative field that bridges fashion design, carpet manufacturing and any other cloth-related field. It encompasses not only drawing skill but business savvy and customer relations as well.

plumbing said...

Textile designing is a creative field that bridges fashion design, carpet manufacturing and any other cloth-related field. It encompasses not only drawing skill but business savvy and customer relations as well.


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