Friday, 2 April 2010

Happy Easter!

Just a quick message to say "Happy Easter!"
I hope you all get loads of Easter eggs....... though don't eat them all at once.

Love this by asher jasper

Well iv been sorting out my workshop. It had got to a point that I had moved into the dining room, which didn't look good!! As I already store my stock in there as well as. So Iv took action this week and had a good clear out...... 5 bin bags later and ha-presto!!!

Its good to be back in there again. Iv took loads of toys down for little man, so hopefully he wont get to board and sorted out loads of arty things out for my daughter to create with. Just need to take the down the tea bags!!

Happy Holidays everyone!!


Unknown said...

Hope the bin bags were full or 'real' rubbish and not scraps etc that you could have given away to bloggers :-)
By the way your dress was absolutely stunning at the NEC - I went on Saturday and your dress was on my list of 'must sees'! LOVELY

Maria Dent said...

Thanks! Neah, wasnt related to crafting. Just things which have been put down there and really should of been sorted out ages ago.


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