I must admit I cant give you the run down of the event like I normally do as we were really busy and I only got to the stalls that I need materials from.
I did do two wonderful workshops, that I fully enjoyed. One with Isobel Hall talking about her wonderful work with Lutradur and Vilene. Her bags and books are defiantly something to look at and her books are very good also.
And the other was with the wonderful and fun Kim Thittichai from Nid Noi. Kim is a wonderful artist. Our work shop was working with Lutradur, a soldering iron and heat gun.... fab!!!
Another artist that I met was Sue Allan creator of Sew Sister. We had a really good talk at the start of the day about her lovely dolls, buttons, needle felt sheets and art samples. Lovely to talk to you Sue!!
The coast stand was also fantastic to look at. It was set beautifully with all the artwork hanging from the top of the stand so you could walk through them. Hears a few pictures of the work.
Well that's some of my reflections of the show.
I'm having Ditzy the fairy modelled by one of my family friends tomorrow. So await the pictures!! Also I need to start designing my next project for my course, which I'm really excited about! Its going to be felted and go wonderfully with Ditzy..................
Your group stand looked fantastic and it was great to see your piece in real life, so much work! I loved the Coast display too, I didn't realise that they wanted you to handle the hangings, I would have loved to!
I wish I could have been there. It looks great. I like the Coast hangings.
Julie - thank you very much, hope it didnt tire you to much.
There were loads of people walking in and out of the coast exhibit pieces.
Jackie - It was wonderful to be able to get right up to them. The detail was very impressive. Also to look at them as a overall piece made you go wow! They all blended so well together.
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